Monday, 28 May 2012

We came…We saw…THA H-TOWN KING
Hip hop aint dead, we saw this on Thursday night…we breathed, drank and got high on it. Just as we predicted, Tatea’s Mixtape launch was a show of pure art and mastery of microphone skills from Tatea himself and the various artists who took the stage on the night. Yes Tatea brought it….and so did the winter cold, we won’t lie…It stung hard, but Our host took the mic and heated it up from song number one slowly getting people to leave the braai stands and get closer to the MC as he performed various remixes from bangers on the REMIX KILLER and from the new mixtape, THE H-TOWN CITY SWAGGER.

We were impressed, from the lavishly dressed ladies to the humility Tatea showed to his guests by mixing and mingling with them and having snapshots taken on backdrop  (see pics).  The venue itself was lovely, with little ponds, big speakers and a bar to relieve us of our wallet weight The sound… thank goodness… on point.
Before the show started we got to mix with the crowd, from Mr Cee, the editor of Hip Hop Unleashed magazine, SimbaTagz, Ishy X and femcee Tray Young.  Co-host, Aldrian (Beefy) was doing the host thing while people got to meet Tatea and get comfy.

The show started off with Tatea doing some of his previous stuff which would have been an anti-climax if it wasn’t for the fact that he completely changed the instrumentals, which was clever, we had Boimac looking all, hazy eyed performing   F.A.N (fly a** n****r) with MC Cut who later proceeded to be joined by Mannie doing their “real music” thing, which we must say was pretty good. After the first flow of guest artists we were wowed by what must have been the spectacle of the night, the performance of H-Town featuring Crimzon-Blu who took her coat off to reveal more than just a nice voice… again.. (see pics). For this particular song people sang along with the MC which just goes to show that the Rehab ENT produced song is worthy of a city anthem. Miss Blu then got all the guys going all cringy as she then performed her own song which we think is called ‘ITS ALRIGHT’. On the show, she danced sexily with the guys in the crowd…teasingly shaking and turning, my goodness.

Also a new release, for most of us, was the inspirational song called “Dreamer” which we heard a buzz about a video about. It features Youngnash and on the night it turned out to be his alley-hoop into a different typa hip hop. Youngnash opened his set with “Growth Point Swag” where we saw Sky City born Negye joining Nash on the comical number. Youngnash passed the baton to Negye’s click, Ludicrous Rapertoire who did the “Pfeka” and a track called “Kombi” which brought a dancehall dynamic to the show.

Who will forget Uneeq and his powerful stage presence, the rapper was joined by the whole of the Rehab squad to perform what we think is a HIT… “ONE TOO MANY”.  The sound was impeccable unlike most shows we are now getting used to. Props to DJ DUDE for mixing and handling the ones and twos like the pro he is. The show was closed by a few more tracks by Tatea and lyrically colourful rapper Ishy-X.
We have to admit though, the was the obvious absence of Rehab president Xndr (who we were informed fell ill two days before the show...get well soon) and also missing was Mariachi, who we didn’t get to see. The place also took too long to get a good number and sadly we saw some people leave before the show actually started. All we can say to them is that they missed out BIG TIME..  The mixtape went on sale at the show and still is, we are still to receive information on the outlets where you can get the compilation but when we do, you will be sure to hear it from us promptly.  So congrats Tatea Da MC, we had fun. Hope you do it again…Push Ur Sound Hard

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