Ok.. so we a had our IDMs revving in wait for
6pm last week for the download we’d been
promised by Few Kings for their album “The Feeling Ain’t Fair”. Twitter was a
crazy buzz with bloggers, fans and pretty much everyone all going on about the
album we had listed on our list of Top 5 Most Anticipated albums for the rest
of year.
The first feeling
and attacking, true, nice beat “the bills wouldn’t bow to the beat so the
thrills of the crowds went cheap preach”. This would be an awesome
start to any album. Great intro guys!!
a little changed at the beginning and we could tell that there was some extra
production work done on the track. Fundamentally though, its the same track
that was debuted at the Zim Hip Hop Awards of 2011 somehow, Still a bumpin
saw a tweet saying that “pihwai madrinks
vaskana” were three words more powerful than “I love you” in Harare. The song has been redone, certain features
of the sound have improved, or changed, which some may find commendable (we
love it). After the added verse by TehnDiamond the song sounds like we had
already known it. The extension of the mbira part is entertaining. The original
was an awesome track and a touch of Tehn is never a bad thing.
“Nenjani dzakatsvuka...zvimaManeta..”
A brilliant song but unfortunately loses a couple of marks for us because of its
similarity to American rapper Kendrick Lamar’s “the art of peer pressure”. Go
listen to Good Kid/ Maad City if you do not believe us. Certain aspects make it sound like a lighter hearted Zimbabwean version of the Compton MC ‘s song on the album GKMC. However,
there is something catchy about the part “this is the part I like right here”. We
realised that after playing the album, (all through the weekend), that we could
get used to it, and enjoy it none the less.
song never loses the bite it had a couple of months ago!! Again the beat sounds
like it was reworked and we love this clearer feel the tracks have, a true
testimony of the time put into the project. Realness seems to be the most
“street” song we have heard the group do. The extension of the beat for an
almost two minutes is nice to drive to. (No Madrinks and driving okay)
we say The Realness was the most
street?? We take that back! This one is the most street. Both the Kings; of the
North and South have spoken. The song is a killer lyrically. The beat another
that has the signature sounds of TakeFizzo on it unless of course it wasnt. The beat might be bland for a
person who isn’t a fan of old school hip hop, but it’s the stuff we live on.
beat on this song is TOP CLASS. The story telling and feel of the song makes us
realise why he group decided to only want to release it on radio. The chorus makes
you want to put it on repeat. It is not too loud, the vocals by SimbaTagz are
on point as usual. This is the type of song you want to see a video for. Might
be the best one on the album, it was well put together, it is easy to listen to
and will easily make it as a ringtone. (coz everytime someone calls, you just
want to hear it)
“uchitambisa matama”? Oh..Playing
with your cheeks? Butt cheeks!! We get
it. After that we were taken. It sounded like a cross between hip hop and
dancehall. A party jam.
“and tell your ex wakudanana ne bad boy,
akasvika zvedzungu tomutsvukisa kunge Rabroy”. The beat is really dope dope
doooope. The sampling as it starts is nice. TehnDiamond has this tendency of
sounding too loud in a bit overwhelming way whenever he sings sometimes. The chorus
was beautifully composed especially as it has a lusty voiced sounding girl to
pair with Tehn Diamond Junior Brown delivers his standard.
you liked it then and hadn’t gotten tired of it, then you still will like it. A
soothing jam that can be listened to on a Sunday morning. The song your
girlfriend will like...and you will like...because it’s just that nice.
10. Go In
lot of Hip Hop heads were probably expecting a lot more songs like these from
the trio. The song is one that any MC would probably keep. A lot can be said
about the chorus. We feel like this was TehnDiamonds home ground, the type of
beat he kills, and he did, straight up murdered it, left the carcass just lying
there. Ooh, so did Junior Brown! Punch lining his way through the first verse, “Ndicharamba ndichi shiner kunge zuda ra
11. The final feeling
closing of the album which was a twin of the Intro, shout outs. Just as awesome
as the intro
album is no doubt a great listen. It isn’t too long, so you can easily find
yourself back at track one. The mastering of the tracks was top notch. It looks
like the combination of the three artists’ works well. They complement each
other well, (Vernacular and English).
The song ‘summer’ and ‘Htown girl part 2’ have really great vocals, ‘Go
in’ is quick and nice. The album is not too loud, you don’t have to skip any
song on this one.
Brown does well in such partnerships, lets not forget the award winning “THE
HRE Mixtape” where he partnered with MC Chita. Which one would be better though?
The Feeling Ain’t Fair or The HRE Mixtape? In as much as that is subject to
opinion, when the two are weighed against each other, one had more ‘rap’
features whereas the Few Kings Album. Maybe having more features would have
made a little more diverse. The management of the album overall before the
release was commendable, the count down to the release on a new website and
release itself was epic, WHAT ABOUT THE ACTUAL MUSIC?
is one of the nicest albums ever made in Zimbabwe, you can tell that time was
put to give us a good product. The mastering is unquestionable, the themes are very
Zimbabwean, the lyrics are well thought out and it is why, its Few Kings that
are worthy to be the face of Zimbabwean Hip Hop.
lets look at it, The mixtape SOTG3 was WOW! Synik’s, “ Syn-City” was amazing,
OutSpokens Double Album Uncool and Overrated /God Before Everything was
legendary. Does “The Feeling Aint Fair” deserve to be on the same shelf with
the above?
we feel like, the downside of the album is that, you will probably skip through
the first half of the album. Not because the songs are boring, it’s simply because,
we have had them for quite some time. Its like waiting for a present for so
long, unwrapping the box and you see the same phone you have always had only
this time with a lot more cool applications, better cover, a couple of added accessories
and faster processing plus bigger memory. The album has been criticized for
giving listeners too much of what they already had. On a 12 track album, minus
the intro and outro, we knew the other five songs. We really would’ve hoped for
more new material, instead, we were given remakes and singles. The upside of
these songs is however that, they have a good staying power. This means that in
as much as these songs had been there, they are still as hot as the first time
they were released. Maybe they are saving the rest of the good stuff for their
own Solo albums, you never know.
the end of it all, that is (maybe save the not so thumpy beats, which really we
have no problem with) that’s the only downside of the album. The rest is
perfect. You gotta hand it to them, they outdid a lot of Hip Hop artists not
only in Zimbabwe, but in the region too. Our advice is, get a copy, it’s worth
getting a hard copy for, that is why we give it the highest rating we have ever
given any music we have ever publicly reviewed. If all this sounds like Greek to you go here www.fewkings.com
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