Wednesday, 14 May 2014


We are guilty of a lot of things, one of the biggest one is that we are suckers of the big names. That’s probably the biggest problem with us. It’s unfortunate that many of us fail to keep us with the current releases, sometimes, it’s really because the releases aren’t anything to talk about. Okay, that may be the problem, sometimes to legitimize our content, it’s about talking about something worth talking about ‘WHERE DID THE GOOD MUSIC GO??” 

That’s not to say they there is no good music out there, it’s there, but the question is, what type of A class are you, are the “barely made it to seventy five percent type” or are you the “A” plus type of artist who makes music that we can say “DAAAAMN !! That’s a dope track” to. We put up an email, and we diligently listen to the music that is sent in. Sometimes, some of the productions are embarrassing, the reason we then don’t talk about them is that if we said flowery words like “the banger from so and so” that would be a blatant lie. We don’t want to lie to our readers. We would rather keep quiet about it and scout for music that has been made by people who actually sound like they aren’t just in it as a spare time hobby. 

Yes, we are bloggers, if you had a hot jam last year and created a buzz, we will blog about you, WHY? Because last year, you worked hard enough to get people’s attention (and ours too) and you are something to talk about. The secret to it is, don’t just make music for the sake of pushing a rhyme on a beat, having metaphors and punch-lines that sound like something we ALL have heard before, be something worth talking about. 
So, not that to say we don’t make mistakes, we might make them here and there but we stand by what we feel. IF YOUR SONG ISNT BETTER THAN ANYTTHING THAT WE HAVE ALREADY HEARD BEFORE THERE IS A HIGH CHANCE IT MIGHT NOT BE TALKED ABOUT. Why we live by this is simply because we love progression not regression or stagnation.That, is OUR PROBLEM..DEAL WITH IT

Here are some tracks and projects which we like from recent releases

The Come Up:  Trk   à 
A very well crafted mixtape. Probably the best we have heard this year. Good work

New Era: Marques à
The song has a very live feel to it. A very different side of Marcques. The type of song we would go to a show to sing to

KleanKatz: Illceey feat J Barz  à
We are fans of Illceey, he has accomplished more than your top five Zim Rappers any  on given Sunday. He drops another single just for you.

A really heartfelt song that many people will be able to relate to. A story of love, coming of age and survival.

Flabbz Ashton with Vuyo Brown and Nashie : Praise him

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