Sunday, 26 October 2014


The Hip hop circles have been really weird lately, beefing Twarring, all types of stuff happening. Shuwa Econet yakatiparira nefree twitter. 

So some time recently, a screenshot started doing the rounds on social media. It started when controversial hit making producer Anonzi Xndr posted a screenshot of a conversation he had with then (and still ) virtually unknown rapper Candy Maine. In the chat Candy asks Xndr to hook him up with a Zim Hip hop award and that he was going to pay for it (a bribe pretty much).

The screenshot was posted on Facebook and in a short period of time the post had generated lots of comments. When the screenshot made its way to Twitter it blew up in many unrelated circles simultaneously, started screaming and ranting while we looked on. After the newspaper article where Xndr said he helped Candy Maine get famous we had one question for Xndr. So we hit him up and asked him,

"Was the release of the screenshot planned as a publicity stunt to introduce us to Candy Maine?"

His answer was that it wasn't.  Word for word what Xndr said was, "I did it to clarify that I'm not a director anymore. And also that the Zim Hip Hop Awards organisers work hard and people discredit them because of people like Candy Maine who think the system may be bribed."

That having been said he also admitted to the opportunity that the whole thing gave to Candy to take advantage. We followed his actions after the screenshot and he has made no attempts whatsoever to convert this into a publicity stunt and a chance to shove music down our throats. Let's face it, most of us went out there trying to find out if his music was worth the award even WITH the bribe. 

Then we got a song this morning with lines 

"..Mr Nice Bhachi. bhachi remubhero, you took your screen shot and post to the people, I will show you kuti ndiri weHip Hop..." 

This just changes things for him, because the last time, his Moment of fame was shorter than a first round, lets see what he does on the second one!

Oh well, fame isn't for us all. Remember, learn from Candy Maine and no matter the publicity, 

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